In addition to taste, help chewing and swallowing food, the tongue can also be an indication of health conditions you know. That is why, doctors often ask patients to stick out their tongue when examined, to find out their health condition. This diagnosis through the tongue has long been practiced in traditional Chinese medicine. Many acute and chronic diseases can be detected early from the tongue. Medically, various health problems can indeed cause changes in the color and texture of the tongue. The tongue changes color and shape A healthy tongue is pink with small spots called tongue papils. Under normal conditions, the tongue is neither too thick nor too thin, soft, the surface looks smooth and not cracked. What if there is a change in the color and shape of the tongue? At least, there are 3 things from the tongue that are usually noticed by doctors, namely the presence or absence of discoloration, shape, and surface of the tongue. Let's recognize the change in color and...